GET an extra
LEADS per month or pay nothing


Many Lead Gen Agencies charge too much WITHOUT delivering enough.Not us!That's why you pay us ONLY when we've delivered the results you want.Completely RISK-FREE for you!


Whilst other agencies STRUGGLE to strike the right BALANCE between acquiring clients & delivering services...We take care of your OUTBOUND
so you can focus on what you're
best at - Running Your Business!


To ENSURE your time isn't WASTED...We ONLY reach out to prospects
YOU want to work with - using
your Ideal Customer Profile.
So you can rest assured we're TARGETING the RIGHT people!


1. Target

We'll start off by targeting your dream clients using our tech-stack,
skills and expertise.

2. Write

Next we'll write attractive copy for
your ideal prospects to respond to & book a call from.

3. Qualify

We'll qualify the prospects and book
the sales call straight to your
preferred calendar.

CASE STUDY & testimonials

Here's how we helped Mavros Digital increase their reply rate by 25% whilst also improving the quality of the leads:

"My biggest pain points before working with Ascend&Scale were outreach and consistent leads, we had varying leads which would come from certain campaigns and with others our feedback wasn’t great.Once we started working with Ascend&Scale, our outreach campaigns had an increase of 25% reply rate and the quality of our leads improved drastically.I actually had Abdul reach out to us regarding how he could increase our revenue and quality of our leads, we took the chance on him and haven’t looked back, our systems and client retention has increased exponentially.As I shared before, our reply rate from content creators went from around 7-8% to 25% response rate.Which in turn increased our revenue by a further $30k USD a month.I was skeptical at first with letting someone come in and take control over our outreach campaigns but Abdul and his team made everything clear from the beginning where we had made mistakes in our past and how to automate and clean everything up.We then saw a drastic increase in our response rate from our first few campaigns.If you're a company working with other large tech/Mobile gaming companies like we are. Working with Ascend & Scale is the smartest investment you'll make for your business. Book a call with them right now."

talk to us

Book a FREE call with us today to
see HOW we can help YOU add
5-10+ Qualified Leads per month
for your Business

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